Special Education & Student Services
Special education programs and services are currently available either in our own district or in other districts within the LaSalle/Putnam County Alliance for Special Education (LEASE). Referrals of students for special education programs and services may be made by parents. The necessary referral forms are available from the office or local psychologist. Parents may also request a copy of the "Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration and Operation of Special Education" by writing to the Illinois State Board of Education, 100 North First Street, Springfield, IL. 62777. If you have any questions about the availability of special education services in this district please contact Mrs. Melanie Hart, Principal, at 433-2986. Any question regarding state or federal requirements or other programs in this cooperative can be answered by LEASE officials as 433-6433. CLICK HERE for a comprehensive list of procedural safeguards for parents/guardians of students with disabilities.
Teachers, parents, or other professionals may refer a student for a speech/language screening by the speech pathologist any time throughout the school year. Parental consent will be obtained prior to the screening. Parents will then be notified of the results. Any students who are identified with communication problems that may adversely affect their education shall be referred for a further evaluation to identify the need for speech/language services. Parents will be notified and a meeting scheduled to discuss evaluation results. If direct services are indicated, an Individual Education Plan will be written for the student and parental consent for speech/language services will be obtained.
Senate Bill 0805-Public Act 093-0504 – Vision and hearing screenings will be done annually, as mandated, for all new/transfer students, special education students and any students referred by a teacher. Vision and hearing screenings are not a substitute for a complete exam and evaluation by a doctor. Students are not required to undergo a vision screening IF an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous twelve months. Effective date: January 1st, 2008 – Any child entering the Illinois school system for the first time is required to have an eye examination performed by a licensed optometrist or medical doctor who performs eye examinations, as specified by the IDPH administrative rules. Parents must provide Wallace CCSD #195 with the Eye Examination Report form or present an Eye Examination Waiver form if applicable.
Students who will need home or hospital instruction during the course of the year should be referred to the principal. Parents making such a referral will be required to include a report from a licensed medical physician who will give an estimate of the duration of the temporary physical or health impairment which is causing the need for home or hospital instruction. It will then be the responsibility of the school district to determine the need for such instruction based on the estimated length of absence from school and the projected academic loss for the individual child.
If your child receives special education services and is also Medicaid eligible, the school district can seek partial reimbursement for Medicaid for health services documented in your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP). Medicaid reimbursement is a source of federal funds approved by Congress to help school districts maintain and improve diagnostic and therapeutic services for students. The reimbursement process requires the school district to provide Medicaid with your child’s name, birthdate and Medicaid number. Federal law requires annual notification of our intent to pursue this reimbursement opportunity. If you approve the release of information to Medicaid, do nothing. If you object to the release of information to Medicaid, now or anytime in the future, please state your objection in writing and forward it to: Kevin Gallagher, School Psychologist, Wallace Grade School, 1463 N. 33rd Road, Ottawa, IL 61350. Regardless of your decision, the district must continue to provide, at no cost to you, the services listed in your child’s IEP. This program has no impact on current or future Medicaid benefits for you, the student or your family. Under federal law, your decision to participate in this program CANNOT:
● Decrease lifetime coverage or any other public insurance benefit,
● Result in the family paying for services that would otherwise be covered by Medicaid,
● Increase your premiums or lead to discontinuation of benefits or insurance, or
● Result in the loss of eligibility for home and community-based waivers.
Your continued consent allows the district to recover a portion of the costs associated with providing health services to your child.
It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are identified, evaluated and provided with appropriate educational services. The School provides a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and necessary related services to all children with disabilities enrolled in the school. The term “children with disabilities” means children between ages 3 and the day before their 22nd birthday for whom it is determined that special education services are needed. It is the intent of the school to ensure that students with disabilities are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. A copy of the publication “Explanation of Procedural Safeguards Available to Parents of Students with Disabilities” may be obtained from the school district office. Individuals with disabilities will be provided an opportunity to participate in all school-sponsored services, programs, or activities. Individuals with disabilities should notify the superintendent or building principal if they have a disability that will require special assistance or services and, if so, what services are required. This notification should occur as far in advance as possible of the school-sponsored function, program, or meeting.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by any program or activity that receives or benefits from federal funding. Section 504 requires that disabled students be provided with a free appropriate public education including education with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.
A person has a disability within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if he or she has a mental or physical impairment, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities. An impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active. The determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity shall be made without regard to the ameliorative effects of mitigating measures (except for ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses). CLICK HERE for additional information regarding Section 504.