ESSER III Funds & Safe In-Person Return
Elementary & Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER III)
Under the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which became law in March 2021, school districts around the country will receive funding to address the impact of COVID-19 on students' academic, social, emotional and mental health needs. This funding is known as "ESSER III."
"ESSER" is short for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief. ESSER III receives its numerical designation from the fact that the ARP ESSER Fund is the third set of COVID-related federal relief grants for schools that Congress has passed since the pandemic began.
ESSER I and ESSER II were established respectively by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March 2020 and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act in December 2020.
How Much Money Will ESSER III Provide?
ESSER III will provide nearly $122 billion to state educational agencies and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.
How Will Wallace CCSD 195 Use Its ESSER III Funds?
As presented to the Wallace CCSD 195 Board of Education on November 30, 2021, the District plans to use its ESSER III grant money in four major areas:
Academic Supports
Social Emotional Supports
Health and Safety
Capital Improvements
Click for More Information Regarding Our Safe In-Person Return
Health & Safety Plan
Wallace CCSD 195 will continue to take mitigation steps to ensure the safety & well-being of students and staff with the implementation of other CDC-recommended health and safety prevention strategies.
Our Guidance
On July 9, 2021, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDHP) formally adopted the newly released CDC guidance for K-12 schools.
We have been carefully studying the revised guidance; and consulting with
our neighboring school districts, legal counsel, insurance providers, and the LaSalle County Health Department.
Monitoring Our Plan
School district administration will continuously monitor local health data and consult with local public health officials. This health data will be reported to the Board of Education and school district parents/guardians.
Requirements of the Return to Learn Plan
All students will be provided a full day of in-person instruction.
Remote learning will only be offered to those students under a quarantine order by a local public health department or the IDPH.
As long as supported by local health data, mask usage is required for all individuals.
The CDC/IDPH requires masks for all students/staff on any school district transportation.
Health & Safety Prevention Strategies
Social distancing of at least 3 feet
Self-check your children daily for COVID symptoms prior to school and keep them home if they display any symptoms
Mandatory isolation for all individuals with any COVID symptom(s). These individuals will be advised to follow up with their healthcare provider
Mandatory isolation period for COVID-positive students and staff
Mandatory quarantines for unvaccinated individuals in close contact with a COVID-positive person
Encouraging and practicing proper hand and respiratory hygiene
Ensuring proper ventilation in all schools which will be achieved through the bipolar needlepoint ionization system installed by the district next year
Practicing proper cleaning and disinfection of learning spaces
Voluntary community-based or in-house COVID testing program for symptomatic students/staff
Guidance recommends that age eligible students (currently age 12 and older) receive a COVID-19 vaccine
Continuity of Services Plan
Wallace CCSD 195 will provide universal support for all learners and targeted support for special populations of learners.
Academic Commitments for All
Implementation of core content curriculum with clear learning objectives, success criteria, engaging content, formative assessment, and opportunities for students to debrief and reflect on their learning
Administration of benchmark assessments to understand growth and achievement throughout the school year (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Implementation of pilots of Tier III research-based interventions in Reading and Math
Provide summer learning opportunities in 2022
Social-Emotional & Mental Health Commitments for All
Implementation of Second Step Social Emotional curriculum
Daily meetings/lessons to build community, a sense of belonging, to form relationships, and to establish routines for self-care
Return to Learn Information
CLICK HERE for the 2020-2021 Information
CLiCK HERE for the 2021-2022 Information